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The Hooker Harness STC Kit is a fixed anchor shoulder harness system that fits most strut-braced high wing Cessna aircraft. The STC Kit includes a double shoulder harness, a double adjustable seat belt, complete installation instructions, all necessary installation hardware, and requisite STC paperwork. The system is available in your choice of any of our 2” colors.
The STC Kit can be installed without removing the wings, and without drilling holes through the outer skin. The system is installed through a hole in the headliner. The supplied reinforcing angle bracket is used as a drilling template. Installation time can be as little as sixty to ninety minutes with the headliner removed, or approximately three hours with the headliner in place.
Required Tools for Installation:
1. Angle head 3/8” drill
2. Drill bits (#30 & 3/8”)
3. Short reamer .510”
4. Cherry rivet gun or a Good pop rivet tool